On-road Rules – Requirements to Challengers
Given the fact that the race is held on the functioning road network in Romania and Bulgaria there is need of certain strict security rules, which are:
All participants will sign declaration for responsibility for their conduct on the road and commiting to observe the rules.
The passing of the daily course shall be in the day-light which at this part of the year is around 8:30 hours per day. The standard daily agenda is: start at 8:00 am and finish at 4.30 pm.
All participants shall have available and wear electric / fluorescent color wind stoppers or upper apparel in case of bad and foggy weather appropriate for the respective sport (biking or running).
All participants shall carry their mobiles and in case of need immediately contact the organizers.
At the end of each day (usually at dinner time) there will be technical meeting, mandatory for all participants and support staff, summarizing the past and the next day in terms of rules, route, technical details and fund raising campaign.
For the biking course
- The participants shall group in maximum 2 groups on the road avoiding solitary ride.
- In case of significant lagging behind the sweep car will pick up the biker and her/his bike and move forward along with the 2 groups.
- The riding shall be done strictly on the far right side of the road with just one person in a row and the bikers lining one after another. The distance between any 2 bikers in a group shall not be less than 2 m.
For the running course
- Bright/fluorescent colors of the upper garment to be used.
- 2 group packing allowed.
- Running in the far right side of the road.