1000 km Balkan is a cross-border endurance sport and charity event. It lasts for 11 days combining biking and running of near 100 km per day on average without interruption.

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Adrian, Dori and Petrisor

Dear friends,
We will be running TOGETHER as a family on the 27th of October for improvements of the hygiene and conditions at Clinical Hospital CF 2 Bucharest, the pediatric department, which Association Faborisa is fundraising for. They did many improvements at Marius Nasta Hospital for children with tuberculosis and now continue with other needed places.
Be TOGETHER with us by donating or helping us find sponsors for this project. Thank you!
Adrian, Dori and Petrisor
Bikeman / Runman / Single day

More about this cause

€ 379 donated
Donation goal € 500.00
12 donations

Latest Donations

Date Donor Country Amount donated
1 07.11.2019 Laura si Dragos Onac Romania €21
2 04.11.2019 Celeste Romania €21
3 04.11.2019 Ludmila Draghici Romania €21
4 03.11.2019 NANCY RICE AND ADRIAN LUPU Romania €105
5 02.11.2019 Hiroko Ogawa Romania €10
6 31.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €4
7 30.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €94
8 28.10.2019 Ecaterina Prodan Romania €21
9 25.10.2019 Sorin Popescu Romania €31
10 24.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €2
11 23.10.2019 Jacoline Schot Romania €31
12 23.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €15