1000 km Balkan is a cross-border endurance sport and charity event. It lasts for 11 days combining biking and running of near 100 km per day on average without interruption.

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Cristian Cazacu

Hey! Join me for this race which links two countries and makes many friendships.
I need your help in order to support those who believe that “There is Magic!”, the MagiCAMP children, to win their race for their life.
1000Balkan will be a simple walk, thinking to this children and to the challenges in their life.

Salut! Participați alături de mine la această cursă care leagă două țări și multe prietenii.
Am nevoie de sprijinul vostru pentru a-i ajuta pe cei care cred ca “magia există”, copiii MagiCAMP, să câștige cursa vieții.
1000Balkan mi se va părea o plimbare, gândindu-mă la acești copii și la provocările din viața lor.

Cristian Cazacu
Super Human

More about this cause

€ 189 donated
Donation goal € 2000.00
11 donations

Latest Donations

Date Donor Country Amount donated
1 11.11.2019 Ionut Gherghe Romania €10
2 01.11.2019 Anonymous Romania €31
3 30.10.2019 Gunnar Sigurðsson Romania €10
4 29.10.2019 Laura Dima Romania €10
5 28.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €15
6 27.10.2019 Dan Romania €10
7 24.10.2019 Anca Romania €11
8 24.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €15
9 24.10.2019 Iamnegruzzi Romania €21
10 23.10.2019 Carmen Romania €31
11 18.10.2019 Anonymous Romania €21