1000 km Balkan is a cross-border endurance sport and charity event. It lasts for 11 days combining biking and running of near 100 km per day on average without interruption.

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JAMBA – Career for All is an NGO whose main mission is to support people with diverse abilities in Bulgaria (this is how we refer to “people with disabilities”) attain key competencies, soft and professional skills. As a follow-up step our team helps them begin their professional development and find a job.

Our dream and focus of attention now are to establish an adapted career center where we can work with children and young people of this group every day. This is how they will learn to cope with all the challenges they face from an early age, and then when they turn 18 and it is time to start searching for their career path, everything will be much easier.

We need Your support and funding, in order to provide this physically available and adapted space and make it easily accessible to the focus group.

Sofia, Bulgaria
As of 01.12.2019  
€  3730  
Challengers for Jamba
Martin Ivanov

Super Bikeman

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Yasen Kirilov

Bikeman / Runman / Single day

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