1000 km Balkan is a cross-border endurance sport and charity event. It lasts for 11 days combining biking and running of near 100 km per day on average without interruption.

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Panayot Chafkarov

Sport has always been a very important part of my life – I’ve been a yoga for about 45 years, I used to run ultramarathons, to practice martial arts… However, lately, life has been very busy and I had other priorities. Now I am going back on track and wish to dedicate more time to running again. Will you be there to support me? Let’s fundraise together for the children Multi Kulti has been working with in the last years!

Panayot Chafkarov
Bikeman / Runman / Single day
CHARITY CAUSE: Multi Кulti Collective

More about this cause

€ 10 donated
Donation goal € 200.00
1 donation

Latest Donations

Date Donor Country Amount donated
1   Bistra Ivanova Bulgaria €10