1000 km Balkan is a cross-border endurance sport and charity event. It lasts for 11 days combining biking and running of near 100 km per day on average without interruption.

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Stanimira Georgieva

I would not do this again for 7th year – all day on the road, freezing cold morning – load the car, organize supplies, start before sunrise, drive, make tea for the bikers, make lunch for everyone; leaving home, leaving work, run – run – run, if it was not for a charity cause. A cool one!

A charity I believe is doing good for our society. You support me – I will run. I will give the best of me to contribute to the success of this event. Thank you for your trust and support.

Stanimira Georgieva
CHARITY CAUSE: Multi Кulti Collective

More about this cause

€ 337 donated
Donation goal € 2000.00
3 donations

Latest Donations

Date Donor Country Amount donated
1   Анонимен дарител Bulgaria €153
2   Boryana Pencheva, Canada Bulgaria €25
3   stan Bulgaria €158